December 19, 2024 3:09pm
GLI engages in advocacy at all levels of government, but works especially closely with local government to ensure a business-friendly environment. Over the next few months, we will highlight members of Louisville Metro Council to help our investors learn a bit more about their background and priorities. GLI is a non-partisan agency, and these posts are for educational purposes only.
District (number and neighborhoods you represent):
- District 23: Highview, Adams Run, Apple Valley, Cooper Farms, Heritage Creek, Farmgate, Hollow Creek, Brynwood, Cedar Creek
Social media handles/contact information:
Facebook: Jeff Hudson
Day job/ professional experience:
- Residential Real Estate Agent with RE Solutions
Years of service on Louisville Metro Council:
- 2 years
What is the most important issue facing Louisville?
- Public Safety. Need to get 300 additional LMPD Officers on the force.
What is your top local priority in 2024?
- Public Safety, Budget and Responsible Economic Development
What role can the business community play in helping Louisville grow?
- Partner with Louisville Metro Government to drive efficiency into the business process. Eliminate un-necessary regulation and make it easier to do business in Metro Louisville.Tear down the barriers of inside vs outside the Watterson.