December 13, 2024 3:54pm
GLI engages in advocacy at all levels of government, but works especially closely with local government to ensure a business-friendly environment. Over the next few months, we will highlight members of Louisville Metro Council to help our investors learn a bit more about their background and priorities. GLI is a non-partisan agency, and these posts are for educational purposes only.
District (number and neighborhoods you represent):
- District 20. Stuart Benson represents a small portion of the suburban cities of Jeffersontown as well as the unincorporated areas of Eastwood, Fern Creek & Fisherville. He also represents the following neighborhoods: Locust Creek, Stone Lakes, Saratoga Woods, Notting Hill, Dunbar Springs, Hunt Country Estates, Crystal Waters, Bolling Brook, Chenoweth Hills, Silver Oaks, Monticello Place, Tucker Lake Estates, Billtown Farms, Dove Point, Pine Valley, Saratoga Springs, Bradbe Forrest, Plum Creek, Crystal Valley, Ridgewood Farms, Dunbar Valley & Chenoweth Park
Social media handles/contact information:
Councilman Stuart Benson
601 W Jefferson Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Day job/ professional experience:
- Retired JCPS Teacher, Vocational Education
Years of service on Louisville Metro Council:
- 22 years of service (Sworn into office January 6, 2003)
What is the most important issue facing Louisville?
- No one on the Metro Council has spoken more about the need for investing in infrastructure. I have sought long term road planning as well as the funding of repair of our paving, bridges, and sidewalks. I have used and will continue to use the vast majority of District 20 allocated funds for construction or planning for roads that will lead to economic growth and I have spent the past decade working to bring high speed internet access to the people and businesses in more rural Jefferson County.
- Metro has been slow when hiring people and although we have several recommendations for addressing these hold-ups, we need leadership within Metro government to start focusing on addressing the problems outlined as being difficient. We need to get people hired to help address the basic services Metro is tasks with completing – tasks such as safety, roads, and infrastructure first and helps people to understand that they live in a safe and thriving community. We also need government to be seen as an advocate for business and not a place where we look to increase or collect more taxes every other year.
What is your top local priority in 2024?
- Infrastructure (Paving, Internet, Sewers, etc.) Safety – Hiring more Officers, offering better training and supporting better pay) Making government a supporter of economic growth through fewer efforts to create new rules and stopping the nickel and dime taxations that seem to be proposed almost every other year.
What role can the business community play in helping Louisville grow?
- Advocating that government spend more time focused on basic duties and infrastructure needs that truly address growth in our community and less on feel good slogans and programs that show few results.