Greater Louisville Inc. The Metro Chamber of Commerce
× Greater Louisville Inc. The Metro Chamber of Commerce

Latest News from GLI Advocacy

Legislative Updates: Week Nine

With the bill filing deadlines now past, we are in a countdown to Sine Die and anticipate some big movement on key pieces of legislation. This week also includes GLI Advocacy Day in Frankfort (our favorite day of session!) and we look forward to having investors in Frankfort for the…

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Senate Passes Their Version of the Budget

After several weeks of silence, yesterday the Kentucky Senate presented and passed their version of the biennial budget. While colloquially we refer to the “budget” as a single entity, it more broadly refers to House Bill 6, the executive branch’s functional budget for the next biennium, and House Bill 1,…

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Legislative Updates: Week Eight

This week is sure to be a big one in Frankfort. Today marks the filing deadline for new House legislation, with the Senate deadline following later this week. That means we will see movement on many of our top priorities and other bills we continue to monitor.  Here are some…

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Legislative Updates: Week Seven

The Capitol is experiencing a rare quiet day as the legislature observes the President’s Day holiday. This short week is sure to be a busy one with the bill filing deadlines approaching. Here are some updates from the past week in Frankfort: Legislative Updates: Horizons Act Childcare and early childhood…

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Legislative Updates: Week Six

This week in Frankfort marks the mid-point for the long session. The legislature has filed more than 700 bills between the two chambers, and we are starting to see movement on priority pieces of legislation. Here are some highlights for the Louisville business community over the last week: Legislative Updates…

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House Passes Their Version of the Budget

Last night, the state budget bills passed the House and are now headed to the Senate. Between HB 1 and HB 6 respectively, the budget includes $29 billion dollars of General Fund spending and $1.7 billion dollars of spending from the state’s budget reserve trust fund. These budget bills were…

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Legislative Updates: Week Five

We are officially over a quarter of the way through this long session! Bill filings have continued to roll in and many of the legislature’s priority bills have begun to move. Here are some of the highlights from last week: KEES Money Expands Coverage Last week the Senate passed SB…

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New Report: Sales Tax and Kentucky’s Economic Competitiveness

Today the Tax Foundation released a report titled “Kentucky Sales Tax Modernization: Keeping the Sales Tax on Sales, Not Production”. Greater Louisville Inc. is proud to have sponsored this report along with the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Commerce Lexington Inc., and the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. The report focuses…

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Legislative Session Updates: Week Four

After a short and chilly week, we are headed into week four of this long legislative session. Last week we saw the unveiling of the House budget legislation and some big moves by priority bills in committees. House Budget The bill on everyone’s minds last week was the House budget…

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House Unveils Their 2024-26 Budget Bill

Last week the House Republicans unveiled their budget for 2024-2026. This came in the form of two major pieces of legislation, House Bill 1 (HB1), a $1.7 billion investment proposal, and House Bill 6 (HB6), a $124.8  executive branch budget bill. HB 1 proposes to spend a portion of the…

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