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February 29, 2024 10:07am

Legislative Updates: Week Eight

This week is sure to be a big one in Frankfort. Today marks the filing deadline for new House legislation, with the Senate deadline following later this week. That means we will see movement on many of our top priorities and other bills we continue to monitor.  Here are some updates from the Capitol:

Legislative Updates:

Talent Attraction Funding

A joint resolution was filed on Friday to establish a Workforce Attraction and Retention Task Force to study how Kentucky can attract and retain top talent and address workforce needs throughout the Commonwealth. SJR 176 grants the legislature the ability to help develop a talent attraction funding program that would include a nationwide marketing campaign for attraction to Kentucky, as well as establishing a grant program for localized talent attraction efforts by local and regional economic development groups. GLI is excited about this crucial piece of legislation that will address workforce shortages across the Commonwealth and help make the region more competitive for economic development.

Child Labor Bill

Legislation passed last week seeks to align state and federal child labor standards. HB 255 seeks to lift some working restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds that are out of step with neighboring states. The bill would expand the fields 16- and 17-year-olds would be eligible to work in to align with the standards set at the federal level. This bill would not override working hour restrictions set at the state level. This bill passed the House and was received by the Senate for passage.

Second Chance Hiring and Licensure

HB 124 seeks to make reentry for those with a criminal record more accessible by giving individuals the opportunity to apply for a job before seeking any additional training or licensure the job may require. This bill will save those with a criminal history time and money when applying for jobs by making sure they are eligible for the position before seeking further training. This bill is a major step toward making second chance hiring practice common place in Kentucky. This legislation is currently assigned to the House Licensing and Occupations committee for hearing.