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December 16, 2021 3:16pm

Employer based child care match available for Kentucky businesses in 2022

In 2022, Kentucky employers will have an opportunity to access up to $100,000 in matching state funds to open employer-based child care sites. Earlier this week, GLI partnered with Metro United Way and Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) to host an informational session for employers that are interested in providing this employee benefit.

Representatives from the Kentucky Division of Child Care explained details on the grant and the Director of Baptist Health Child Care Development provided their experience in attracting and retaining workforce with their employer based three child development sites throughout Kentucky.

Workforce shortages continue to be a huge issue affecting businesses in all sectors and companies are re-evaluating their benefits beyond salary to attract and retain workforce. These conditions have led many businesses to consider the possibility of employer-sponsored child care as an added benefit and convenience for their employees.

This is an exciting opportunity to expand access to quality child care in our region and to make child care more convenient for families by locating near employment centers. You can view the recording here. Stay tuned to Policy Distilled for notifications on when the grant applications will open and how your company can access this opportunity.