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2021 Bill Tracking

The list below represents legislation that GLI is actively tracking in the 2021 sessions in Kentucky and Indiana. Inclusion on this list does NOT indicate GLI’s support, opposition, or neutrality on a specific bill or issue. To learn about GLI’s 2021 legislative priorities, read our 2021 State Agenda.  

This bill list was last updated on February 26, 2021, at 10:20am.

Click the hyperlinks to read more about the bill. The names next to the bill number indicate the bill’s primary sponsor or author: e.g., J. Higdon is Senator Jimmy Higdon.


Senate Bills

  • Senate Bill 5 (R. Stivers) establishes legal liability protections for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Senate Bill 7 (D. Givens) fixes problems with Kentucky’s unemployment insurance system.
  • Senate Bill 10 (D. Givens) creates a Commission on Race and Access to Opportunity.
  • Senate Bill 17 (R. Alvarado) allows the General Assembly to limit noneconomic damages.
  • Senate Bill 20 (R. Alvarado) regulates legal advertising.
  • Senate Bill 23 (G. Neal) to permit health disparity impact reviews for certain legislation.
  • Senate Bill 25 (R. Alvarado) establishes an Education Opportunity Account Program.
  • Senate Bill 36 (W. Westerfield) updates processes for juvenile justice.
  • Senate Bill 40 (G. Neal) to establish racial and ethnic community criminal justice and public safety impact statements for certain legislation and administrative regulations.
  • Senate Bill 54 (S. Meredith) limits recoverable amounts in tort actions related to medical costs.
  • Senate Bill 67 (J. Schickel) allows alcohol to be purchased to go or for delivery.
  • Senate Bill 80 (D. Carroll) strengthen the police decertification process to support increased law enforcement accountability.
  • Senate Bill 81 (J. Adams) updates rules on the local regulation of tobacco or vapor products.
  • Senate Bill 100 (R. Stivers) creates a new West Louisville TIF to support investment and economic opportunities.
  • Senate Bill 105 (R. Mills) updates regulations on abandoned and blighted properties.
  • Senate Bill 107 (R. Mills) makes changes to the SEEK formula.
  • Senate Bill 108 (P. Hornback) adjusts regulations related to package alcohol sales.
  • Senate Bill 114 (S. West) establishes the Kentucky Early Entry Initiative pilot program for teachers.
  • Senate Bill 115 (S. West) relates to early literacy education.
  • Senate Bill 125 (R. Stivers) makes an appropriation related to the West Louisville TIF proposed in Senate Bill 100.
  • Senate Bill 135 (D. Givens) updates performance funding rules for post-secondary institutions.
  • Senate Bill 137 (G. Neal) restores the right to vote for individuals with felony records.
  • Senate Bill 148 (D. Carroll) makes changes to state child care regulations.
  • Senate Bill 155 (G. Neal) establishes racial impact statements of legislation.
  • Senate Bill 177 (B. Smith) sets rules and regulations for digital assets in Kentucky.
  • Senate Bill 237 (D. Yates) allows a court to waive expungement fees on a finding of indigence
  • Senate Bill 240 (M. McGarvey) amends to the state constitution to allow for casino gaming.
  • Senate Bill 245 (M. McGarvey) relates to subpoena powers for Louisville’s Civilian Review Board.
  • Senate Bill 247 (M. McGarvey) relates to subpoena powers for Louisville’s Civilian Review Board.

House Bills

  • House Bill 1 (B. Rowland) addresses issues such as business and school closures during the pandemic, unemployment insurance taxes, and visitation guidelines at long-term care facilities.
  • House Bill 5 (M. Meredith) restricts the ability of the Executive Branch to temporarily reorganize executive agencies.
  • House Bill 7 (A. Bowling) establishes the Advisory Council for Recovery Ready Communities.
  • House Bill 10 (S. Sheldon) establishes liability protections for businesses related to COVID-19.
  • House Bill 25 (J. Tipton) removes the statutory ban on convicted felons from eligibility for KEES funds.
  • House Bill 53 (K. Moser) creates a Technical Advisory Committee on Persons Returning to Society from Incarceration to act in an advisory capacity to the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance.
  • House Bill 64 (J. Raymond) increases the income threshold for families qualifying for public preschool.
  • House Bill 84 (M. Dossett) establishes tax exemptions for first responders.
  • House Bill 85 (J. Miller) addresses taxation of vapor products.
  • House Bill 106 (J. Raymond) expands eligibility for the Child Care Assistance Program.
  • House Bill 126 (C. Massey) increase the felony threshold for theft and fraud offenses.
  • House Bill 133 (K. Bratcher) reduces signature requirements for recalls of school district tax levies.
  • House Bill 135 (R. Bridges) makes changes to how property valuations are determined.
  • House Bill 136 (J. Nemes) legalizes and regulates medical cannabis.
  • House Bill 142 (R. Bridges) establishes an affordable housing tax credit program.
  • House Bill 144 (J. Fischer) requires legislative approval of administrative regulations with major economic impacts.
  • House Bill 147 (K. Moser) updates rules on the local regulation of tobacco or vapor products.
  • House Bill 149 (C. McCoy) establishes an Education Opportunity Account Program.
  • House Bill 153 (J. Tipton) makes changes to the Dual Credit Scholarship and the Work Ready Scholarship.
  • House Bill 207 (J. Gooch) places restrictions on energy mandates.
  • House Bill 210 (S. Heavrin) makes changes to parental leave policies for employers.
  • House Bill 211 (S. Heavrin) requires information on the size and racial composition of program recipients in reports prepared by the Cabinet for Economic Development.
  • House Bill 212 (S. Heavrin) requires the Department of Public Health to include analysis of race, income, and geography in its report on child and maternal fatalities.
  • House Bill 213 (S. Heavrin) requires the Personnel Cabinet to include demographic information in its annual report.
  • House Bill 230 (S. Rudy) establishes new tax exemptions for blockchain businesses.
  • House Bill 232 (J. Nemes) restores voting rights for individuals with felony records.
  • House Bill 241 (A. Koenig) authorizes and regulations sports wagering in Kentucky.
  • House Bill 242 (L. Bechler) relates to immigration and places new reporting mandates on employers.
  • House Bill 249 (J. Petrie) relates to remote sales and use taxes.
  • House Bill 253 (R. Huff) requires completion of FAFSA as a requirement to graduate.
  • House Bill 258 (C. Massey) makes changes to the state Teachers’ Retirement System.
  • House Bill 270 (J. Tipton) relates to early literacy education.
  • House Bill 271 (J. Tipton) establishes the Kentucky Early Entry Initiative pilot program for teachers.
  • House Bill 278 (P. Flannery) allow a business to deduct expenses paid for with a forgiven Paycheck Protection Program loan.
  • House Bill 309 (J. Miller) makes changes to the operations of Louisville Metro Government.
  • House Bill 317 (K. Fleming) modifies procedures for complaints to the Human Rights Commission.
  • House Bill 344 (A. Bowling) expands the certified rehabilitation tax credit program.
  • House Bill 360 (L. Bechler) refunds fines and restores licenses for businesses impacted by executive branch orders during the pandemic.
  • House Bill 364 (S. Heavrin) establishes a Commission on Race and Access to Opportunity.
  • House Bill 413 (R. Webber) seeks to provide fiscal relief for businesses from increases to unemployment insurance taxes.
  • House Bill 415 (A. Koenig) updates Kentucky’s alcohol direct-to-customer shipment laws and regulations.
  • House Bill 417 (M. Hart) establishes tax exemptions for telecommunications equipment.
  • House Bill 475 (W. Thomas) prohibits Kentucky from adopting OSHA provisions more stringent than federal standards.
  • House Bill 497 (K. Moser) creates a certificate of employability program for inmates in Kentucky prisons.
  • House Bill 561 (S. Santoro) increases infrastructure funding and modernizes the road-aid formula.
  • House Resolution 12 (S. Santoro) urges the General Assembly to adequately fund transportation and infrastructure in the Commonwealth
  • House Concurrent Resolution 22 (R. Webber) urges Congress to forgive Kentucky’s federal UI loan balance.
  • House Concurrent Resolution 31 (J. Raymond) establishes the Kentucky Preschool Program Task Force.


Senate Bills

  • Senate Bill 1 (M. Messmer) establishes liability protections for businesses related to COVID-19.
  • Senate Bill 246 (R. Alting) supports women in the workforce by establishing reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers.
  • Senate Bill 255 (A. Freeman) expanded Indiana’s felony expungement laws.

House Bills

  • House Bill 1 (J. Torr) establishes liability protections for businesses related to COVID-19.
  • House Bill 1016 (J. Bartlett) establishes the Criminal Justice Study Committee.
  • House Bill 1358 (S. Negele) supports women in the workforce by establishing reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers.