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September 25, 2024 11:35am


Our Power to Prosper Accelerator is all about giving minority-owned businesses the skills and connections they need to move to the next level and grow here in Greater Louisville. The accelerator, valued at $15,000 per individual, is offered free to participants through the generous funding of Papa Johns and Suntory Global Spirits. This program teaches business owners critical business skills like development strategies, strategic planning, financial management skills, marketing & sales, human resources, how to access capital, and how to contract with the government and major corporations.


Richard Wilson

What is your business name?

Tell us about what your business does.

  • We provide safe, reliable and sustainable professional engineering solutions to the communities that we serve.

What inspired you to join the Power to Prosper program?

  • I realized that there are areas of business growth that I have not been exposed to and are needed to grow my business.

Where do you see your business in the next 5 to 10 years? How do you believe the Power to Prosper program will help you in reaching those long-term goals?

  • In the next 5 – 10 years, I see my business with 15 to 20 engineers on staff and delivering local and federal infrastructure projects.  I believe that this programs will help develop a plan to acquire the management talent, technical talent and create a marketing plan to achieve these goals while earning at least 30% profit annually.

What’s your favorite thing about living and doing business in Louisville?

  • My favorite thing about living and doing business in Louisville is serving the people by designing infrastructure that impacts their lives.  Driving past a site that I had a design role, gives me a sense of accomplishment to know that what I do matters.  I can tell my children and grandchildren that I helped build this city or helped to make it better.