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InnoSolutions with Render

Render can help you create positive social impact in the world.

Render helps companies de-risk innovation. Today’s marketplace changes constantly–in order to stay afloat, larger enterprises need to cultivate agility and an intentional strategy for growth and scale–we call this innovation. Greater Louisville Inc. has partnered with Render to offer InnoSolutions to help organizations create impact by working with startups and working like startups. GLI investors receive a 10% discount on all InnoSolutions services.

What are the benefits to this program?
10% up-front savings on Render’s Services.

Do I have to be a GLI investor?
Yes, you must be a current GLI investor to participate. If you’re not a current GLI investor, you can become one here.

Is my company too big/small/young/old for InnoSolutions? 
Probably not! We’ve worked with Fortune 50 companies, small non-profits, and most everything in between.

What kinds of challenges does InnoSolutions help solve? 
We’ve worked with all kinds of companies to solve problems big and small. Here are some examples:

  • Our digital infrastructure is in dire need of an upgrade, but we can’t afford for it to go “down” for any significant time.
  • We are excited about a new program/partnership/product but need help telling a compelling story to our staff/leadership/customers/investors.
  • We have a technical challenge that we cannot fully address internally–how do we source/deploy the expertise/technology to solve it?
  • Our brand needs a refresh to reach our desired audience.
  • We need to increase operational efficiency within our current budget constraints.

How much can I save?
Savings will vary depending on company size and type of coverage, but savings can be extensive.

How do I get started?
Fill out the form below and a member of the Render team will reach out to you directly!

Renders Impact