A Year of Leadership Celebrating #GreatLouisvilleLeaders
Leaders come and go, but the greatest leaders are etched in our memories and their legacies persevere.
Business has always played prominent role in civic leadership. CEOs and executives of large companies wield the influence and resources to make change. Or to maintain the status quo.
From our parks to our skyline… Our arts to our economy… iconic leaders who applied their business acumen to community issues and got things done.
GLI recognizes that the model of leadership is evolving. No longer are the community’s plans decided solely by those that sit at the top of tall buildings.
With technology and changing demographics new styles of leadership are taking flight.
Now we have movements built on the passion of many leaders joined by a collective passion for a cause and funding drawn from a broader base of companies and individuals.
This increased collaboration, transparency, diversity, and inclusion is open, participatory and peer-driven but also messy, different, powerful.
More than ever before in human history each of us can choose to be leaders …to rally others to the causes we care about…to build on the shoulders of the great leaders who have proceeded us. To make our own mark on this region’s history.
It’s said that there is never a vacuum in leadership. Someone will always step up. But will those that do step up rise to greatness?
That is our challenge and this begins the Year of Leadership.
Join GLI in making 2020 a year of #GreatLouisvilleLeaders
- Share your leadership story or honor local leaders making a difference using the hashtag #GreatLouisvilleLeaders
- Sign up for local leadership programs like YPAL’s Emerging Leaders program or Leadership Louisville’s Focus program
- Get involved in community organizations looking for nonprofit board volunteers by using the Center for Nonprofit Excellence’s Board Match.
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GUEST COMMENT: What ‘The Year of Leadership’ can mean for Louisville